OUT Consulting Group
Empowering Independent Hotels
What we do
Sales and distribution
Location, location, location … except it takes a whole new meaning now that your client is everywhere. We have the knowledge and the reach to find the right client, at the right time, place and at the best rate.
Revenue Management
Great old times when a hotel had one rate and clients would show up on a bus. Not for us … we’d need to find a new vocation, and that would be a shame cause we quite like what we do and do it well.
​We use our I and the best systems to ensure data and AI are put to good use. Let’s make it short: maximising revenue opportunities sustainably is our game
Using the American Marketing Association definition of Marketing: Marketing is the process of exploring, creating, and delivering value to meet the needs of a target market in terms of goods and services.
Ahhh...Music to our ears and our box (framework). Where we find stability and where it all starts, we work on the box, out of the box, move the box but we don’t lose sight of the true essence of it.

How we do it better
A top tier team, now focused on bridging the gap for independent hotels
We know a structured commercial team is key when it comes to outperforming the market. Now we´re determined to make the commercial resources available to the largest hospitality companies, reach independent hotels. What is the secret sauce that get´s us to OUTrank the market:
We attact outstanding talent. We have some of the best in what they do, on top of their game. In this case similar minds attract and we keep on adding to our main strengt
As an individual independent hotel the resources at disposal and the depht of the projects would not be as exciting, and the cost of such a team be quite high. As a group of independent hotels this is now an opportunity!
We generally pick talent over years in the industry without blinking ..... but here our year working in renowed hotels around the world do count. This and the scale of having multiple hotels under commercial management means we have access to a support network and to decision makers which only time and size can bring.
From the first laptop and phone to AI and 5G, many things have changed. The landscape keeps on moving ... we´re not only updated and excited with developments on existing technologies, but also on things to come (web 3.0 comes to mind). Evolution keeps us awake ... in this case, for all the right reasons.
We have the best partnerships for key systems, from Chanel Managers and RMS to CRM and AI based tech. Most importantly, we have the right people, knowledge and process to maximize them.

"The accountant was a righteous man who objected to overcharge. He demanded a detailed statement of the account.
He received this:
To tapping machine with hammer…$1.00
Knowing where to tap ………………$249.00"
Extract from the humor story "Knowledge is Power", Published by Forbes 1921